WATER Northern Rivers Alliance, Widjabul Wia-bal Traditional Owners, Friends of the Koala and concerned people from Byron, Lismore, Ballina and Richmond Valley rallied to oppose Dunoon Dam.
A crowd of about 150 people rallied at 9am outside Rous Water to protest the motion by new Rous Councilor Rob to bring the Dunoon Dam back as one of the options for the Future Water 2060 plan.
Rous County Council has voted the Dunoon Dam back onto the IWCM plan “It is a step backwards for resilient water security for our region. It is deeply harmful to true reconciliation with the Traditional Owners which Rous has prided itself on progressing”.
“We are here today in support of a drought-resilient water system for the Rous region that does not include the destructive and unnecessary Dunoon Dam. We stand for protection of the Widjabul Wia-bal burial sites, the rare rainforest and the critical koala habitat that would be destroyed”, said WATER Northern Rivers spokesperson Terri Nicholson.
“Many of the Rous councilors are completely new to their position. They should not have been put on the spot to make a decision of such import as this, before being fully informed. They should have listened to the Widjabul Wia-bal whose ancestors’ resting places would be drowned, as well as the water experts who consistently say a new dam is not the answer to water security”, says Ms Nicholson.
Widjabul Wia-bal woman Skye Roberts spoke powerfully on behalf of her Elders, addressing both the rally and then the Rous Councilors in the meeting. “I am bringing the message from my people, my elders. We must protect these sacred sites; burials and men’s and women’s sites. We will not give up. I will keep standing up and speaking for my people and our sacred places and living connection to this land and our culture”, Ms Roberts said.
Elder Aunty Leonee Roberts Nowta said “This Dunoon Dam motion is disrespectful to our people. It shows an unwillingness to listen to Traditional Owners. His motion is deeply offensive to us. We must protect the resting place of our ancestors. No dam at Dunoon”.
Ros Irwin, as spokesperson for Friends of the Koala, spoke of the recent listing of koalas as Endangered, and the importance of the Dunoon population which has the genetic diversity and health needed for the survival of koalas around Lismore.
“If 72 hectares of koala habitat was to be destroyed, damaged or fragmented in Ballina Shire, there would be public outcry. Koalas are on a direct path to extinction unless we preserve their habitat. This can not be offset or mitigated,” said Ros Irwin.
Water expert Professor Stuart White (UTS) has over 30 year’s experience in urban water supply demand planning sent a written submission to Rous councilors prior to their meeting today. “I am of the view that the Dunoon Dam should be ruled out as an option for water supply for the region, on the grounds that it is not needed and has too high a marginal cost relative to other options, as well as the environmental and cultural heritage risks”, Professor White said.
WATER Northern Rivers is deeply disappointed that the newly elected Rous councilors voted 6:2 to put Dunoon Dam back “The Cultural Heritage, rare rainforest remnants and Endangered koala habitat are all of National, and indeed, Global significance. This action today will come under wide scrutiny”.
Two Cultural Heritage reports were conducted by archeologists. Both found that the area of the proposed dam contains multiple grave sites that predate European settlement, and other sites of huge cultural significance. “There was global shock when Rio Tinto blew up the Juukan Gorge. Would we let this happen here? Rous-Tinto does not have a good ring to it” said Ms Nicholson.
“It is a step backwards. Instead of continuing with leadership in sustainable water security, environmental protection and reconciliation for Traditional Owners, this move is an embarrassing and dangerous diversion. It is deeply harmful to genuine reconciliation with the Traditional Owners which Rous has prided itself on.”
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