
Join Our ‘Supporters’ Email List

We can make a difference when we are connected. Please make sure you are on our email list so you are kept in the loop and we are connected.

More You Can Do

1. Read it

Increase knowledge and
understanding of options

2. Write it

Letters to the Editor helps people understand why we don’t need a dam

3. Talk it

 Let’s increase informed conversations! Feel confident on a market stall.

Signs on road frontage

Informative signs on roads are very effective 
People won’t shift off dam thinking unless they know about alternatives. We’ve learned a lot about what’s working.

Print and share key information

**Updated Water Literacy leaflets coming soon **
Leaflet your street.  Share with friends. Put up a poster.

More ways to make a difference

Help at Our Market Stalls

Stalls are valuable! They increase knowledge and help people join our movement.


Donate to our campaigns

Monthly donations help us be able to plan. All support welcome.

Local  Water Alliance Group

Join or start a local group

Get organized and pool your community together to form a local group.

Plug into our Social Media

Like, follow and join the conversation

To get a smart water system, we need to increase knowledge across the community. In our communities, we need to shift the conversation beyond ‘dam thinking’. Thankyou for getting informed and active and being part of this conversation.

Print Our Posters And Help Spread The Word